Sunday, July 10, 2011

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bernard M-M., Fruhwirth M., Brooks M., Oakley K., Wang X., Ouechni K.G., Janson F.
Intergenerational telementoring for the promotion of social relationships
Gerontechnology 2011; 10(1):38-50.

Bernard M, Janson F, Flora PK, Faulkner GEJ, et al. (2009). Videoconference-based physiotherapy and tele-assessment for homebound older adults: a pilot study. Activities, Adaptation and Aging 33(1):39-48.

Bernard M, Kenny R, Fruhwirth M, Brown S, Meunier L, Janson F, Burzillo L. Canada-France project, phase I: Feasibility and reliability of videoconferencing-assessments of autonomy, mobility, and nutrition in 70+ seniors. Canadian Society of Telehealth 6th Annual Meeting, October 5-7, 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Field Research Photographs of 2nd Crew, Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), Capitol Reef National Park, Hanksville, Utah, Le Monde, Paris, France, March 2002.